
Hi, I'm back! 
Still the same,
With the silliest 
trivial things- 
in my head 
to share.

I'm not gonna sugarcoat anything, these past terms were hell for me even though there was eventually a silver lining. The film project, thesis proposal writing, and upcoming unforeseen internship program aaaakkk I'm going insane. (Not literally; wait, probably was or am) 

Wow, what an intro...
Thanks to sugar puff crackers with a cup of tea which support this composing session of my so-called writing.

Have you looked at the pretty image of a coffee latte, a shot of espresso and also him. (Whatever, for me he's pretty; yang egk bucin g diajakkkk wlueee😋).  

This will be his time to eventually be my issue in this paragraph. A short one,  but we'll see. You'll be hearing a lot of him, him, and him here. I initially assumed him as arial, for a split second what came to my mind was, "Pasti mama my terinspirasi sama font tuh, mangkanya arial.." Ceritanya ngelawak tuh, (TAPI GARING BET ASLI JGN DITIRU TAR DIKIRA PRIK) dulu sih anaknya cuma iya iya aja. "Iya kali ya.. mungkin, yah.. hihihi" (ngomong nya dulu begitu).

Arial here refers to him, my boyfriend who loves long black coffee so much. Because of him, I know the taste of a shot of espresso, it wasn't as bad as I thought. Thanks to him for making me eventually enjoy a coffee with no sugar. That's some crucial moment right there cause I'm headstrong truly and he interferes with my preference of coffee that easily.. without us ending up in confrontation Wow, must give him a clap. (Wrwrrrwr 👏👏👏 [suara riuh])

Ngomongin soal cowo di atas nggak bakal ada habisnya. Road to setahun pacaran sama ini cowo masih kayak unreal karena gue dari awal kga ada kepikiran baka suka ama cowo modelan high maintenance yang habis makan selang 10 menit laper lagi atau dikit dikit minta temenin ngopi karena katanya ngga bisa hidup tanpa kopi. (Huft, mmbuat ak hrus siap siap, terus dandan dan berada di luar rumah krn harus nongkrong dan brtemu orang; jujur males kadang tapi kalau udah sama dia gue nya seneng??? Jadi yh ak gas aj siee xixi) gini nih, rants orang introvert yang punya pacar ekstra extrovert.

But so far, dating him has been so much fun for me. The most significant part was him teaching me how to not suppress my feeling and instead express it. I'm not gonna lie, one of the forms of knowing that I love and care for someone is when I talk a lot. In any form whether through letters, texts, calls, tweets, posts or convos. Surprisingly, he always listens. He listens, appreciates, and truly understands what should he do next. Thus why Im taking back my words when i say, "Dasarnya cowo tu enggak akan mau dengerin kalau diceramahin, apalagi disuruh ini itu" (hadu engga usah cowo deh, gue aja kga mau kalo disuru2; harus dari keinginan ku sndiri whether I want to do this or not) Karena cowo gue ini malah doing the opposite of what I expect a man would behave gitu...

Jadilah pas gue sama dia ini energi bucinnya enggak sendirian, dan itu seneng banget ya ternyata. Enggak was-was walaupun ldr, dan bakal terus looking forward to ketemu terus (semoga si tetep begitu yh, engga lucu aja kalau misal ternyata cowo gue sama aja kek "men" yang kalau kata Jaehyun di fanfiction yang gue baca, that's just how men work.

Like,,, mennnn gue dh prcaya bgt kalo he's not one of those men yg gue despise bgt jadi kalo seandainya dan amit2 he turns into one, yh kga susah2 jg sie paling gw balik ke cwo kpop xixi. Tapi kalau buat sekarang loving him and being loved by him is the bestest [superlative kuadrat] thing). 

I'll be attaching my bukti bukti kebucinanku here to support my validity. 

keterangan: portraits above was a letter yang bahkan orang nya sampai sekarang belom baca karena sesuatu hal. [mls bgt kl diingat2]

Sekian trims,, yg udh baca xixi.  

Sblumnyy Maaf yhh,, kl typingnny kya jamet😔 [editor nya g snggup hbis mabok tpw]

Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


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