A Comprehensive Look at Multatuli's Max Havelaar: Examining the Criticism of Colonialism

For the sake of Illustration - Books and Coffee

Hello, there. I know it's late, but I'm doing my best to keep my agenda of "one day, one article." Here I am coming back with the book review section as I try to be consistent with my writing schedule and topics from now on. To be quite frank, this is the most energy-sapping article I have ever written because of the vague memories I had when I had to recall the sequences of the plot of this book. Besides, I have to work hard on the pre-writing research as it is an early historical 19th-century novel with its classic style. Thus, if you're looking for an intriguing read that offers a unique perspective, then Max Havelaar by Multatuli is the perfect book for you. This classic 19th-century Dutch novel examines colonialism, social injustice, and the power of individuals to make a difference. Through its cleverly crafted characters and overdone descriptions, readers are treated to a provocative and entertaining story that is sure to leave a lasting impression.


Max Havelaar Novel by Mulltatuli

Max Havelaar is a novel written by Multatuli, the pen name of Dutch author Eduard Douwes Dekker, in 1860. It is a satirical novel about the abuses of colonialism in the Dutch East Indies (modern-day Indonesia). This novel is a scathing indictment of colonialism in the Dutch East Indies. It critiques the exploitation of the Indonesian people by Dutch colonialists and the hypocrisy of the colonial government. The novel’s main character, Max Havelaar, is an idealistic Dutch civil servant who is appointed to a post in the East Indies and is appalled by the corruption and exploitation of the native people he encounters. 

Max Havelaar struggles with his conscience as he faces the moral dilemma of whether to continue his job as an administrator of the Dutch colonial rule in the Dutch East Indies. He knows that the Dutch colonial rule is oppressive and exploitative towards the native population, yet he is torn between doing what he feels is right and doing what he is ordered to do. He struggles with how to reconcile the two and ultimately decides to use his position to fight for the rights of the native people, even at risk to his own career. He tries to combat the injustices but his efforts are thwarted by the powerful Dutch merchants who control the region and have their own interests at heart. After suffering many personal and professional setbacks, Havelaar eventually resigns from his post and returns to the Netherlands to make his case against the Dutch East India Company in a scathing open letter.  

However, after a life of trying to reform the Dutch colonial system in the Dutch East Indies, Max is finally pushed to the edge and decides to resign from his post in protest. Despite his attempts to bring about change, he is ultimately unsuccessful and dies soon after leaving his position. His death is a powerful symbol of the consequences of colonialism and its oppressive systems. Despite being unsuccessful but his efforts bring the injustices in the East Indies to wider attention and help to pave the way for future reforms. The novel ultimately serves as a call for reform of Dutch colonial policies in the East Indies.


This novel begins with the narrative of Batavus Droogstoppel, a Dutch coffee broker in Amsterdam who had the objective of composing a meticulous book on the coffee auctions of the Dutch Trading Company. Without any prior professional experience in writing a book, Droogstoppel partnered with his new employee, SternStern, on the other hand, was uninterested in writing a book on coffee auctions and would only write if he was allowed to write whatever he pleased. Despite Droogstoppel's complaints, Stern wrote about a Dutch civil servant named Max Havelaar, a humble guy with the best intentions. Unlike his corrupted colleagues, he aimed to change the system and give Indonesian natives a better shot at a sustainable and independent life.

The climax of Max Havelaar occurs when Max can present his evidence of the corruption and exploitation of the colonized people to the Dutch government. After a lengthy battle full of struggles, effort, sweat, hardship, threats, and injustice, Max can secure a promise of reform and justice from the government. Max’s efforts are met with both praise and criticism from the Dutch citizens, but ultimately to the latter, Max’s mission is successful and his legacy is remembered as a hero of justice.

The resolution of Max Havelaar comes when the reforms promised by the Dutch government are actually implemented. Although Max is unable to see the results of his efforts, the reforms are put into place and the exploitation of the colonized people is reduced. The reforms are also accompanied by a new era of Dutch-Indonesian relations, as the Dutch begin to treat the colonized people with more respect and dignity.

Max Havelaar’s legacy lives on, as his name is remembered by many as a symbol of hope and justice. Max’s fight against the injustices of the colonial system has inspired many to take a stand against similar injustices in the present day. The novel also serves as a reminder of the importance of standing up for what is right, no matter the cost. Max’s efforts may have been met with criticism, but his legacy as a hero of justice will always be remembered.


The theme of Max Havelaar by Multatuli is the injustice of colonialism and the exploitation of the oppressed. It is a story of a man struggling against an oppressive and injustice system, and ultimately failing to make a lasting difference. The book was written in response to the abuses of the Dutch colonial system in Indonesia and serves as an indictment of colonialism. It focuses on the exploitation of the Javanese people by the Dutch, who were taking advantage of their labour and resources without providing any benefit to them. 

The book explores the power of colonial powers, the effects of racism and prejudice, and the consequences of human greed. It also highlights the hypocrisy and moral bankruptcy of the Dutch colonial system, which promised freedom and prosperity to the Javanese but only provided exploitation and suffering. Furthermore, the book is not only a critique of colonialism but also a story of hope and redemption. Throughout the book, Max struggles to find a way to improve the lives of the Javanese people without sacrificing his own ideals. In the end, Max is able to find a balance between his own morality and the needs of the Javanese people, and he is able to create a better system that benefits both sides.


Though receiving many praises, this book has been accused of lacking focus, with the author sometimes straying from the main narrative. Particularly, its long and dense narrative may be too slow-moving for some readers. Also, the book is written in a highly stylized language and can be difficult to understand for those unfamiliar with Dutch culture.

Moreover, Max Havelaar is a character who is flawed in many ways. He is often too idealistic, which leads him to make decisions that are not always in his own best interests. He is also too trusting and naive, which puts him in danger throughout the novel. His arrogance and sense of superiority often lead him to underestimate the power and capabilities of those around him. Finally, his unwillingness to compromise and his stubbornness often prevent him from achieving his goals.

Max Havelaar also lacks a comprehensive analysis of the social and economic issues that were present in the Dutch East Indies during the 19th century. The book focuses heavily on the plight of the Javanese but does not take into account the impact of the colonial powers on the other ethnicities in the region. Furthermore, the novel does not address the complex power dynamics between the various classes and castes that existed in the Dutch East Indies at the time.

Nevertheless, Max Havelaar is a powerful book by Multatuli that uses its strength to challenge colonialism and the abuses of Dutch rule in the East Indies. The book is framed as a novel but contains a large amount of non-fiction content, including extensive footnotes and references to government documents. In the novel, Max Havelaar reports on the abuses and injustices he witnessed throughout his tenure in the East Indies. These include extreme exploitation of the native people, forced labour, and the misappropriation of funds. Through his writing, Multatuli exposes the moral and ethical complexities of colonialism, and in doing so, offers a powerful critique of colonial power structures.

The book’s strength lies in its ability to combine fiction and non-fiction elements in order to make its case against colonialism. Through the story of Max Havelaar, Multatuli is able to emphasize the emotional and psychological toll of colonialism, as well as its tangible effects. This allows the book to effectively communicate its message in a way that resonates with readers. The strength of Max Havelaar is its ability to go beyond simply presenting facts, and instead use its narrative to bring the realities of colonialism to life.


Max Havelaar (1860) Novel by Mulltatuli

Max Havelaar by Multatuli is considered to be one of the most influential books of the 19th century. The novel is a caustic criticism of colonialism and the exploitation of the Indonesian people by the Dutch East India Company. It is also a powerful indictment of the moral, economic and political abuses of power and an important early example of the protest novel. By reading Max Havelaar, readers can gain a better understanding of the history of colonialism and its devastating effects on people and societies, and can also reflect on the implications of power and privilege in our own times.

Eventually, it is an influential work of literature as it serves as a powerful indictment of colonialism and its effects. It is also a story of hope and redemption, and it is a reminder that it is possible to create a better system for everyone, even in an oppressive system. The book is a testament to the power of individual morality and the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of seemingly unconquerable possibilities. In this way, Max Havelaar is a should-read timeless classic that still speaks to readers today.


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