Poems Written For You
As delicate as melted candle
You are the miracle sent to me
Unstoppable yet confined in thought
Go get a banana milk and sleep
Your eyes are tired screaming
So does your soul
The sound of music
Triggers you flying
You wanna get high
Listen to the sound of music
Ever heard a Jessica method
As scared as me so do you
Why bother trying
something new
If I have you
Trembling do you
Steadfast gaze has been transferred
A black love sign uploaded
Why can't we be more
The bleeds of leaves
Turns us into fireflies
Let us together exploring
Spy-ing what our crush doing
You are worth
Magnificent, sophisticated
How dare you saying
Why am I always not good enough
We have shared secret don't we
Keep telling me secrets
It indicates Im worth
To be your diary
What would I do without you
Your presence filled up my storylines
What a good life we live in
A moment before we reach 14
What a good life we live in
These poems were written based on feeling, feeling, and feeling. how grateful I am to have at least one who'll be there and will definitely say "Im proud of you" we need one friend who can we talk to, share our grief to, laugh with to and cry with too. Not the one who'll compare our grief in lives with theirs. Thanks to you. For being born.
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