Untitled II

Don't expect me to be always dark
I want a spark of light too sometimes
Don't expect me to be bright all the time
I wanna shut all the light striking in my windows out
Why bother expecting one honestly
I've been living in the judgemental world
What I have done, there's always one says wrong
Im tired explaining
When I don't, it states that I'm a hostile villain
I just want to be free
The boundaries are getting stronger
Eat me up, limiting my thought to go up
Backstabbing me with the vicious says
Tangles me with kafkaesque
You all are a nightmarishly complex
If I'm normal I wouldn't have this thought
Sorry to not being one; the normal one
I think too much until I get numb
These synapses don't have 'tired' on their dictionary
I'm really sorry to be this overcomplicated being
Sometimes I wonder, how does it feel 
Easily talks about your sorrow to anyone
Even your closest one
I have no idea how
What I have known is all alone
Battling with this thought, anguishedly
Hope the right-truest me who'll win


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